Between Best and Better

Somewhere between best and better is growth.

A space that requires us to show up with aspirations of continuous improvements for ourselves and our contributions. In this space, the path is not linear at all, but rather the entanglement of many pathways converging and overlapping, filled with dead-ends and new on-ramps.

The goal then, is to concentrate on our most important work of the day. To bring our full selves to this work. This moment. It won’t always be our best work. It will be our best in that particular moment.

Remember the space between best and better.

Our ideas and work today will improve because of the effort and focus we bring to this moment. Best right now, better is ahead. Progress is always greater than perfection. Perfection is finite. Progress is infinite.

Choosing to concentrate on the work in this moment is deliberate. The effects are knowing that these choices are shaping future you in the space between best and better.