The Power of ONE Word

I have to run.

I have to organize a practice.

I have to teach reading.

I’ve thought about this for some time now. The difference one word can make. You can try this one yourself and see if it changes your outlook, your perception of the thing you are doing, or perhaps it plays an even larger role in shaping your habits and routines a bit.

It comes from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.

The shift goes like this, instead of; 

I have to___________.  [Try]  I get to_____________.

It’s one word. That’s it, one word. 

The implications for changing one word shouldn’t have a dramatic effect, but rather a subtle effect. One that changes your mood, your approach, your perception about the thing you are doing.

I’ve used it for personal growth and development, youth sports settings, and yes, educational settings.

I get to run.

I get  to organize a practice.

I get  to teach reading.

This shift, get to instead of have to, seems minor. It is minor. However, it changes your entire mindset as you embark on the activity itself. Try it, you’ll see. It becomes a habit, quickly.

For me, I’ve noticed more joy when it comes to the activities in my life, gratitude for the opportunities, and eager anticipation for the activities themselves. 

As always, I am curious to hear from you. Please drop a thought below.